Sunday, June 19, 2011

Third Day in Copenhagen


This morning I returned my bike to the shop. Eva is letting me borrow hers while she is in Sweden. Fortunately the shop did not penalize me for returning the bike late. From there I took an 11 mile run along the harbor and around a large park. It is great that you can get Henrik and Eva have a large wilderness area two miles from their house. I enjoyed escaping the city for a bit. There was an awesome sculpture with a rusted iron bridge that led to a dome made of glass painted with bold colors.

After showering and stretching I went out with Eskil to the opening of the city’s new skate park. A wide range of people came out for the celebration from pro skaters to toddlers on their paddle bikes. I enjoyed the taste of Danish street culture. Eskil and I went off to find something to eat and ended up having to walk further than we expected. He explained that we were in a less accessible part of the city. I explained that because of zoning most cities in the states were equally, if not less accessible.

When Eskil and I were riding I stopped behind a car that was waiting in the path of cycle track to turn right. We were going straight. He indicated that we could pass to the left of the car. When Henrik was explaining this movement to me yesterday I could not fully conceptualize how it would work. I thought that it would force us into the path of the cars in the adjacent auto lane. Yeah for a trip to Europe! I had to ride it to feel it, to know it, and understand that it works.

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